
Resolution #59 Winter 2017

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Nick's story

Nick spent 16 years learning to live with the killing of his twin brother, Simon. Here, he talks about how restorative justice helped him to stop feeling like a victim. 

Paula's story

Paula became the victim of sexually harmful behaviour when a young man exposed himself to her. Here, she talks about why she wanted to meet the offender, and why other victims should have the same opportunity.

Jason's story

Jason was convicted of possession of a firearm and armed robbery and sentenced to five years at HMP & YOI Feltham. During his sentence he met the victims of his crime in a restorative justice conference. Here, Jason explains how restorative justice helped him to understand the impact of his crime and move on with his life after prison.

Annabel's story

Annabel didn’t realise how much being burgled had affected her until she came face to face with the young offender. Here, she talks about how restorative justice helped her to feel like her house was a home again.

Emma's story

After leaving an abusive relationship, Emma was abducted and raped by her former partner. Here, she talks about how restorative justice helped her to regain control and rebuild her life after the attack. 

Emma's story

Emma's story makes harrowing reading. After leaving an abusive relationship, she was abducted and raped by her former partner. Here, she talks about how restorative justice helped her to regain control and rebuild her life after the attack.

Ruth's story

When Ruth awoke to find her home being burgled, with her granddaughter in the house, she no longer felt safe in her own home. Meeting her burglar and finding a mutual understanding helped her move on.

Resolution #58 Autumn 2016

Download issue #58 of our Resolution magazine

Members can access this download by clicking here

Resolution #57 Spring 2016

Download issue #57 of our Resolution magazine

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